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    YES.  I had such high hopes with "Hello Cruel World", and then they wrote off really rich plot potential, under-utilizing the Leviathans, jogging away Hallucifer, and largely ignoring the whole "Winchester doppelgangers on a bank robbery/murder spree" bit that should have posed more risk for the protags.

    Are you high?  Season 7 was one of the weakest the show ever had.

    Are you high?  Season 7 was one of the weakest the show ever had.

    I love Roman too, but good guest actors are expensive.  I wish SPN had a bigger casting budget, I mean, having James Patrick Stuart AND Benito Martinez AND  Mark Sheppard AND Rick Worthy playing bad guys in one episode? 
    And Ben Edlund is still my celebrity boyfriend.  The police siren scene with "Why Can't We Be

    I love how all their antagonists were pooled together in this ep—demons, angels, Feds, Levis— and this week it looks like we'll get a couple more with Crowley and the Alpha.  How much you wanna bet this season'll end with Ghost Bobby shoving Dick Roman into a meat grinder?

    They'll probably break into a church and steal the hip bone of Saint Phineas, just in time for Cas to run into a nun and make a vaguely dirty wimple joke.

    Then again, this season hasn't been dealing with Supernatural's kind of monsters.

    I agree that we needed more Leviathans in general.  Remember when demons popped up all the time?  It wouldn't be hard, some Dilbert character could walk up to complicate things, make a Value Meal joke, a chase scene ensues, and the Boys get away after a faceful of Borax (and perhaps Dean quipping, "You wouldn't want

    This was the first SPN ep my roommate sat to watch with me, and for the first time in a LONG time I was not embarrassed to introduce someone to the show.  Fast-paced, great campy banter, the Boys used common sense in attacking the problem, you had a truly menacing bad guy, lots of crunchy crunchy plot. 

    From someone who played a lot of Wraith in high school, this was a great story, I love it when you see hunts from the other side, like Dean getting turned in "Live Free or Twihard"

    Yes, that scene was amazing, the music, the lighting effects, the choice of flashbacks, the apologetic look on his face when he kills the last demon who tried to run, and then the fact he acknowledge's all the corpses at his feet (which the show rarely does anymore)…

    I want to see Dick Roman on Oprah, hugging a bald kid in a wheelchair.

    YES the Pie-cam scene while he's on the phone with Frank!

    The Sam/Luci dialogue was just wonderful.  I miss Sam in the tough guy role.

    I agree, the banter had that Season 2 vibe again.  The ballwasher line, the pizza spit take, the 70s chase music, it was all priceless.

    I haven't laughed this hard since "Kneel Before Todd!"

    I suspect they'll bring her back, Dean needs to be Big Brother to somebody now that Sam seems ok, and revenge and a wet trenchcoat can only keep him warm at night for so long.

    To be fair, the girl's character was an homage to "True Grit", where a spunky fourteen-year-old girl hires two bounty hunters to avenge her father's death.

    Let me amend that to save-the-children instinct, since the boys have that "Kill No One Under 18" rule.

    I think Dean saw a lot of Jo in the kid, and his chivalric save-the-women instinct kicked in.