Great sweater, Hannibal
Great sweater, Hannibal
That sounds awesome! I am eternally embroidering a pillowcase that I got last year, but which was sidetracked by gift crafting. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend and then I can work on its partner.
I was about to note that it happens in "The Twa Sisters" as well and then I read that link and realized they're basically the same song with alternate titles. I learn so much from the Hannibal comments.
He's with MJ now.
I almost had to leave the room, that was just. so. awkward.
Oooh good point. Yes yes yes.
That damn song is in my head now.
Addicted to Love
Cat People
New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking
Yeah, you can definitely see that things are starting to percolate inside Will's mind.
Well, some folks call it "Huckleberry Quinn" which is creepy enough as is.
Oh my god. Perfect tie-in product, HBO, come ON.
I love that ending.
I've said "Zah" in better towns than this.
I always saw Damian Lewis, but I may have been biased by the red hair.
Look who's here to see you!
And an even more unsettling book. You wouldn't think it could get weirder…but then it does.
In a room.
And they've been away at boarding school all though their father's presidency? His inauguration? That time he was in the hospital at death's door? Their grandfather's funeral? (unless we just didn't see them) The birth of their little brother? I mean, geez.
I think they said that Hollis (and his various ex-wives) have eight children, of which Maybelle was the only daughter.