keyboard cat is AFK

I don't have the balance board, but doesn't Punch Out do that? I 'd have to recheck my manual when I get home, but I thought you could use both with that.

I wouldn't go out of my way to play it on the Wii. It was fun, but it wasn't anything spectacular.

yeah, I'm not holding my breath on the Zelda rumors, but even without that level of control the last one was pretty fun. And to be leaps and bounds better than the 1st Red Steel would be damning by faint praise because that game suuuucked.

Agreed on Tiger Woods. I'll probably rent this and see how it stacks up to the original, which is still one of the most played games on my Wii. I'm also curious to see how the frisbee holds up to the (surprisingly addictive) disc golf on Tiger Woods 10.

*at* how ridiculous they are. Clearly I've been using drugs out of boredom, but man the music on my radio sounds better this morning.

Show within a show
Am I the only one who likes those bits? They pretty consistently make me laugh and how ridiculous they are, and how much they could be on so many other lesser TV shows. Quiet Bob especially was great last night.

"As you can see, I'm dressed for the photo shoot anyway." and "Oops, Showalter's got damaged. Let me see if I can fix it…oh!". MIB was awesome this whole ep.

I'm with you . It was dumb, but especially when they cut to MIB doing the effects, the look on his face just killed me.

I threw your dog out the window again, and that was wrong of me.

They need to bring this level of customization to the NHL games so you can customize your own playoff beard

just watching this
gets me so excited. I think I'll go down to the zoo and watch the mokeys do it.

3 more words: I'm outaa heeeeeeeere

"You wanna help R. Kelly? Take away his camera. Introduce him to some older women."

My favorite scene in Wild at Heart has to be when Nic Cage gets the crap kicked out of him, wakes up, then apologizes for calling the thugs homosexuals. That line still cracks me up every time, and that was before he turned into a walking cartoon.

mbs, I had a similar experience. I'd seen Blue Velvet before, but this was my first Lynch movie in the theater, and I ended up going back like 3 more times (it's good to know people who let you in free, really miss that) just to try and figure it all out, which at 16 I just couldn't do. I was so mixed on Blake. On

Soundtrack was amazing. I normally don't even like the Pumpkins and their song on this is great. Badalamenti's music really stands on its own, as well as adding so much atmosphere to Lynch's film.

I loved both Spaceballs and Men in Tights growing up, but they aren't nearly as funny now as an adult. That said, they both do still make me laugh, just not as much as they did.

Depends, is DMB playing?

As a PS3/Wii owner and also no hater of the 360 (again, just love to game), I think people are forgetting how long it really takes a console to hit its stride with 3rd party devs. Outside of Halo, the 360 (at least in my eyes, not being a huge FPS fan) took forever to develop a stable of worthwhile games, and its

at least in Postal