
That was my thought as well. When Rick had Aaron tied up in the barn before they decided to go to Alexandria Aaron told them that they had a great surgeon there and that was one of the reasons they decided to give him a chance. And too, we don't really know what's going on in Jesse's household. She came on mighty

Duh….Raiders of the Lost Ark…..sheesh,,,and i don't even have an excuse for that!

I should have known Billingham would have all his bases covered. I'm hanging in with this show hoping for a resolution like the ending of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom…heads exploding, faces peeling off…all that stuff that happens when you mess with the Big Guy. And I like Jason Isaacs too.

Todin to Carol: You afraid of guns, ma'am?

I don't know why they did that. That quick sequence of scenes after the crash: the butterfly coming to life, the dead animals in the reservoir, the pair of graves, the children's reflection in the water, that pretty much had 'fasten your seat belts folks we're in for a rough ride' written all over it and totally set

Okay….let me get this out of the way: I love TWD!! Love it! I love season 2 a bit less than the rest, but still watched every second of it. That said, I'm not so sure how i feel about this spinoff. What I'd really like to see would have the series begin in the very earliest moments of the apocalypse. I haven't

I don't know about this show. I give pilots a lot of room for error so I'll watch a couple more episodes before jumping ship, but this one pushed the limits ot my endurance. It was almost frantic in trying to cram in too many story lines and characters and chases. Poor Anne Heche having sex with a dude who won't

A month late with this, but sadly, I think you're going to be proven right. I absolutely loved the original season and have been patiently awaiting the second season, which I guess is still way off in the future. I'll watch the remake though, hoping for a pleasant surprise.

Well I just finished watching and I've got to say, I totally fell for Carol's little act, and pretty much feel like some of clown right about now. A happy clown, not a scary one. First was the confusion over why she was fumbling with her gun when turning it in, I mean, really Carol? Then her little speech to Deanna