
Pen Pen
Yes, absolutely, reading different kinds of books should be different experiences. I don't buy for a minute that you read a novel the same way you read a historical biography or a biology textbook. That's utterly ridiculous, to be perfectly honest. And if it's somehow actually true, then you're doing something

Female authors
I agree that there tends to be a lot of sexism in how covers are designed for books by female authors, but there are a number of more "literary" books by women that escape this.

Pen Pen
"I understand your point, but who gives a fuck if it *is* a memoir instead of a novel?"

"A novel"
I agree that printing "A Novel" on the cover of a long-form work of English-language prose fiction carries an air of pretension with it, but that really shouldn't be the case. This is actually important information (just ask that Million Little Pieces guy). "A Novel" should really be printed somewhere on the

"you're right, i am talking about the artist, not the art - that once you're in a commercial, you can't call yourself an artist."

Re: dreary louse
"whatever emotion the song was supposed to stir is lost, as the lyrics and music are carefully rearranged to change the meaning of the song to a sales pitch."

Re: No Credit Limit
"You get invited to a dinner party. Good food, good wine, good conversation. Then, the hosts launch into a presentation on the Amway products they want to sell you. You wouldn't be mildly irritated by that?"

emo louse
"make money through amoral means like advertising, sure - just don't call yourself an artist."

Re: No credit limit
"Is it possible for art to exist outside the marketplace?"

Re: Danrimage1
Don't worry about the double post, I think some people could stand to read what you wrote twice!

dreary indeed
"there's no reason wilco had to be in a commercial. they seem to support themselves just fine with their music."

I've seen articles about VWilco on a number of different websites, and virtually none of the reader comments anywhere have had anything negative to say about the licensing deal. It's either: "Whatever, Wilco gots to make money, too"; or: "Whatever, I don't like Wilco anyway."

lazy billy
There's absolutely no implication that these lists are supposed to be definitive. The AV Club writers have mentioned a number of times that that's not their goal at all. It's called an "inventory," nothing is ranked, and the number of entries is always different for just that reason.

Jeff C, you're right. Henley and Mike Campbell co-wrote "Boys Of Summer."

Action ruled. Easily the best thing Jay Mohr has ever done (not to mention Illeana Douglas), and nobody pays attention.

Boys of Summer
How about the latest shitty dance version? Does that exist in the US, or is this particular plague localized to Europe? I've got no idea who "performs" it, but it must be one of those blonde robot "singers" who deadpans the song so soullessly over the most generic possible beat that you want to believe

The saddest
I've always thought the saddest summer song of all is Springsteen's "Racing In The Street." The way it transforms Martha & The Vandellas' joyful "every guy, grab a girl" anthem into a dirge of loneliness, desolation and non-communication is just devastating, especially as the lyrics give way to Roy

How about a Silver Spoons movie?
Only this time, The Ricker's all grown up, and he has to return to the creepy, toy-filled mansion of his estranged, terminally ill, millionaire father in order to assert his right to his inheritance so that he can pay off his various gambling/drug debts, accrued over the course of a

Putting aside the issue of whether or not it's appropriate to judge an entertainer based on their political or religious stances, I think Xaa made an important point above that got a bit lost in the shuffle: This girl is only 17. Now that's not to say she can't or doesn't have a fully-formed political or

Not true
TSH, that's not correct. I'm registered, and I've occasionally tried to post without being logged in - it won't let me do it under this name, precisely because the name is registered. It will, however, let me post as "Jyqm1."