
omg ita lol
I'll join the chorus: this is a really fantastic interview, Noel. No wasted questions, no painfully awkward moments, just what seems like a really interesting conversation that gets to the heart of a lot of matters that Wilco fans care about.

Rolling Stone on the album
Alas, I still haven't had a chance to pick up this album yet, but I did just read Rolling Stone's review. Over the course of just four paragraphs, various aspects of Sky Blue Sky are compared to:

I'm guessing that most people don't think it's a "big deal" for a 12 year old to watch Brokeback Mountain (though it certainly depends on the 12 year old). It's just the principle of the thing. Specific content aside, it's an R-rated movie that a teacher showed to a bunch of 6th graders without parental

No worries
Happens to the best of us!

Sly and the Family are also set to play the North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam on Sunday July 15th. Their set overlaps with both Elvis Costello/Allen Toussaint *and* Chick Corea, though. Who plans these things?!

Again, no problem with anyone over thirty, or forty, or fifty, or sixty. Unless they're being creepy. And twenty-somethings and teenagers can be creepy, too. I only said "thirty-something" in my post because that's what Rolling Stone was for the past ten years.

troll etymology
Pete, I'm not sure where exactly the term "troll" comes from, but it's been in use on the Interwebs for quite a while now. It probably originated on Usenet, and I think it's derived from the word "patrol." A troll is someone who patrols Internet message boards, newsgroups and blogs looking for ways to

Comments & Wilco
Quickly about the comments: I think the system works just fine the way it is, and I say that after having just complained about the quality of some people's contributions in a few other threads. But that's the price you pay for democracy, as Stickfigurehead noted. Overall, I think the quality of the

You're "allowed" to do whatever you want, including dissecting metaphors into their individual components without actually hitting on the meaning of any of them. Although if you don't find a 30-something year old guy at a college bar hitting on sorority girls fifteen years his junior to be creepy, well, I

Sorry, Jesus…
… my real name is just Jim, which a friend in high school decided was a boring name that needed to be spiced up with a different vowel and an unnecessary silent letter. I've been using the alternate spelling as an Internet moniker ever since.

I would almost welcome it if Rolling Stone's editors just came right out and said, "All right, yeah, we're a baby boomer magazine. That's what we started as 40 years ago, that's what we still are, and that's what we're going to be. We're a magazine directed at 50 year olds, and we're going to try and

No harm, no foul, of course, and for what it's worth, I'm with you on a lot of your points (particularly wanting to expose your kids to movies and other forms of culture that are really worthwhile, but also letting them see and listen to what they want, because shit, they're kids). And I certainly have a

The joys of the Internet
I have little to add to the topic of Blockbusters at this point, but I did want to say that, lexicondevil, I always enjoy your posts. Whether or not I agree with your point, you almost always express yourself eloquently and civilly, something that's all too rare out in this little Internet

correcting myself
Actually, I think Dylan was born in Duluth, but raised in Hibbing.

Writing about music
Picktheapple: I agree, I've always thought the "dancing about architecture" line is pretty idiotic. A clever enough turn of phrase, but ultimately wrong and meaningless to people who actually care to think about art (any art, really) beyond the most superficial level. And I get the feeling that

Utz, is this an original line?

Landstander: I don't doubt that there were many people such as yourself who were truly excited to see Spiderman 3 this past weekend. But $150 million worth of people? If the price of an average movie ticket is eight bucks, that's nearly 19 million Americans - over 6% of the population of the entire country

If you'll allow me to be incredibly melodramatic for a moment…
So here we are at the end of the weekend, and Spiderman 3 has made more money than Hitler and Jesus combined (I'm not entirely sure what that means either), more money than any movie has ever made in one weekend in the entire history of Hollywood. So now

mastodon and moby dick
I love every page of Moby Dick (what's the deal with comments like, "C'mon, who actually has read all of ______"?), but consarnit, I just can't get into Mastodon. Metal just isn't my thing, I suppose. I can't into it, and I'm not even sure I really "get" it. Oh well.