
Ahmet Ertigan had been talking to Plant about doing a follow up to the Honeydrippers album, which Plant was supposedly amenable to, but after Ertigan died, Plant didn't see the point as he was only considering doing it for Ertigan.

without even reading the article, i object to the "creepy" characterization. as far as i'm concerned it's just lazy and somewhat ignorant to automatically wrote him off. he's no john lennon or paul mccartney, and he's certainly responsible for his share of garbage out there, but he's also a great drummer, and behind

without even reading the article, i object to the "creepy" characterization. as far as i'm concerned it's just lazy and somewhat ignorant to automatically wrote him off. he's no john lennon or paul mccartney, and he's certainly responsible for his share of garbage out there, but he's also a great drummer, and behind

i wanted elise to win, even though i knew she wouldn't. and i've been rooting for  philip, and wanting to see him win, but i honestly never expected him to get to the finale. i can appreciate their talents, neither of them are my cup of tea. up until last night i had been expecting philip to be sent home last night