Evil Lincoln

Whatever the model's possible defects, the idea of the iconic Loch Ness monster (and actual shooting at the location!), to me, really elevates this episode. The fact that in the nu-Who episode "School Reunion" Sarah Jane wins her argument with Rose about who had seen the most wondrous things in their adventures with

Sadly I think Louisiana despite its historical quirks is pretty much representative of the gulf south at this point, a bit swampier but just as racist and poorly run by anti-government fanatics.

I'm really looking forward to Terror of the Zygons. I know it has its detractors and the monster effect was…somewhat unfortunate, but still it is just so damn cool. Zygons, the pinnacle of seventies rubber monster costume design! Scotland! The flipping Loch Ness monster! Sarah Jane, Harry, and the Brig! Feel the love!

Troughton playing those two distinct roles and them pretending to be other characters in character sounds nicely Orphan Black-esque! Patrick Troughton was Tatiana Maslany before Tatiana Maslany…

Rosalee certainly has seen Monroe as a Blutbad before but since her species is I guess traditionally preyed on by them maybe it is just wigging her out more than she expected it to (?).

I did love how exasperated/ disgusted Adelind was about how the ritual kept dragging out and becoming creepier and more disgusting though. Dramatically it was sort of flat but comedically it worked nicely for me. (Also has being human for a while made her less of a hardcore Hexenbiest??)

It is brilliantly ambiguous

I feel like Megaforce is due for rediscovery as a cult film at some point. Though, it has been 30 years and that hasn't happened, so probably I am wrong. And I am certainly not saying that I think it is good per se. But lots of stunts, incredible 80s-ness, and flying motorcycles!

Grades schmades

How long does it take to eat one hot dog, though? Lance was an idiot not to just inhale one hot dog in that time. Come on fool! Crime doesn't require you to starve to death.

Yeah plotwise this makes no sense really but I have to say that just visually Summer Glau would be the perfect Talia al Ghul (though what would she not be perfect as visually…)

Or maybe Shado feels abandoned by Oliver and just wants to see him again and romantic stuff whatever?

I think the show, which started out strong, has gotten better pretty consistently. I think that season 2 was better than season 1 and this season seems even stronger! I guess that can't last forever but I think that we should enjoy it while we can…

It was great that the crap rookie partner totally wilted as soon as she told him she knew he was scared, even before she shot the crooked cop/ bartender and pointed her gun at him. Just total ownage by Carter. "You don't even know who you are, son."

Carter was so cool in this episode that though Reese offered his help SHE DIDN'T EVEN NEED IT, she was fine taking out HR goons by her own self.

That is absolutely infuriating. I guess it is to a degree to be expected since the show has an NCIS lead-in (I would imagine that audience skews old and white and guy), but still it pisses me off. At least those people seem to be staying away from the av club comments.

Now if he had suggested they discuss it over tumblers of whiskey, that might have worked. Well, still probably not, but I think she would have been less likely to assault him with that approach.

I thought Betsy maybe had a thing for Ed Weeks' character in that one? Maybe not though.

If you donate blood I think they tell you the type, that is how I know mine.

"I didn't know you went to Catholic school!"
"You shouldn't know that."