Evil Lincoln

I was sort of expecting her to say something to the guy like, don't worry about it, you aren't going to be using your blood for that much longer anyway.

I love that Finch was planning to have some sort of little tea party with Shaw to try to talk about her attitude. Yeah like that was going to work…

And then she sailed one perfectly into the trash can, which was great timing and also cracked me up.

"Shaw just got made by a ten year old!"

I enjoyed Carter saying that she knew that rookie partner was an HR plant as soon as he got in her car. I did too, and so I am sure did most if not all of the posters on these boards, so I appreciate that the show expects her to be at least as smart as we are.

"We are going to have so much fun together!"

I hate Peter more with each episode and am sorry to see the degree of acceptance of the "bro" culture that he represents on this show. I would have been totally on board if when Mindy went into Danny's office and tried to get the paperwork started to get him fired, that had actually gone through…

Yeah I thought Kendra Wilkinson was surprisingly okay in this episode, and I did enjoy how her character enabled Mindy to be the ring girl, and how Mindy's confidence in how well that would go proved to be ill-founded (though I would have been into her).

Defintely agree on the mixed up pairings. I loved how impressed Terry was by Rosa taking down the guy by the throat at the end (especially after he had not been too afraid of her before that). That was a pairing that I did not really expect to see but thought was absolutely perfect.

Suddenly I am shocked that I am shipping Morgan and Betsy a bit—when she was asked to call the hot nurse she immediately called Morgan, and when she told Morgan that the other nurse & her boyfriend were a cute couple he said, so are you! (Though quite possibly neither of them even realize what they were saying…)

Jager is just garbage, it doesn't even deserve to be considered in the same company as the true classic liquors. I knew a guy in grad school who was sort of a troublemaker who would always order a round of jager shots just when everybody was starting to get wasted knowing that would send the night spiralling into

Rum is not my favorite but I will put in a word for old-style daquires with rum, lots of ice, and a bit of lime juice & a lime, a decent summer drink. Otherwise, no.

Having like a five minute scene of Sarah Silverman holding her own breasts and being otherwise naked was I thought extremely gratuitious & pandering & I am really glad that was in the episode. Though honestly it probably worked against the show being picked up that if they pulled that out in the pilot & it still

Ha, well yeah it is right there in my name….but to clarify I hate, hate Reality Bites, which I think is a shallow, reductive take on a generation (mine) that deserves (marginally) better. I just like Jeneane Garofolo in it.

I thought she was extremely charming in her movie roles back in the day, especially Reality Bites and The Matchmaker (if that is the one with her and Uma Thurman?).

He has a friend that is a silhoutte

I would like to direct this to the distinguished members of the panel: You lousy cork-soakers. You have violated my farging rights…

Bottom line: he is not good enough for our sweet, beautiful Alexis.

Dodo, good lord. I will say this for Adric: Doctor Who fans might loathe him, but at least they generally can remember who he is.

After I watched the 50th anniversary trailer I immediately posted it on my sister's timeline.