Evil Lincoln

My favorite is "Shall We Dance." Those Gershwin songs…

I initially heard the "Our Lips are Sealed" chorus as "honest I see you." Sometimes I still do actually and I have to remind myself that is wrong.

Yeah there is no way but screw it, I respect them for taking their shot.

Also I was devastated at adorable Jane's character's fate during my first viewing of "Clue"!

To this day I think the Go-Gos were a good band & I respect their integrity in sticking to the all-girl format despite the initial marketing difficulty of it. I will say though that when I am driving around with my windows down & one of their songs comes up on my car stereo system (with all my MP3 music programmed

Does it change your rankings if you know that Jane (who I think is lovely) is some sort of prothlesizor for S & M sex deviants (as revealed in various reality shows that she's been on?) For me I think it does even though I had her higher to start with (and I am not at all into S & M stuff, but I think she could

How dare he spill my precious acid and destroy my priceless wall? Did he really think he was going to get away with it??

God so few movies get the tone of the South right. John Sayles' Passion Fish I thought was pretty on the money, though it is very deep South/ Louisiana-specific. Also, oddly, the Christopher Guest character in Best in Show is probably the most realistic film character from North Carolina (where I grew up) to me.

This would explain why George Washington saved children—but not the British children.

Most of these high concept scifi/horror shows are short-lived. But, you never know. I remember watching season one of the X-Files and loving it against my better judgement because I was sure it was doomed. Every week I was convinced that episode was the last one that would ever air.

RIP Sheriff Clancy M.F. Brown. He will live on in my heart reading creepy shit from Revelations forever.

For what it's worth I think the show did improve greatly as the first season went on, and if you like Mindy Kaling I think it is worth checking out, her character's persona has evolved in an interesting and effective way, and the remaining regular cast members who they are heavily focusing on now are all standouts.

Yeah Michael Kitchen really makes this show work I think, though the charm and spunk of Honeysuckle Weeks and their sincere but never schmaltzy relationship is great too. What is consistent in his performance I think is its understatedness. He is always kind and humane but never showy and never never gives look at me

Great interview, great guy. Looking forward to the surely insanely funny and cringe-inducing scene where he tries to seduce Mindy. One of my favorite gags on that show is his lustful fascination with her & her having no time for it.

The return of Adric! Yeah that is cool. Oddly him being perhaps the least beloved of all the companions by Who fans (including me) sort of endears him to me.

I have enjoyed all the Big Finish adventures that I've listened to. Though since I have tried out different "ranges" and listened to things out of order it can be a bit bewildering. I am still trying to figure out Nyssa's timeline, as I just listened to one of a series where Five, Tegan, & Turlough meet up with a

Louise Jameson absolutely OWNS as Leela. My favorite quote from the character is from Image of the Fendahl when she tells the Doctor "Do not worry, I shall protect you," with total sincerity and confidence, and you believe it (though he is sort of offended).

On the commentary track for this episode's DVD (I think?) Louise Jameson talks about the Leela costume, including the fact that she was sensitive about her (in her words) "huge arse," so got them to add a flap on the back of it. Which I take as an example of how no matter how amazing someone looks, there is always

"Counterfactual history" is neither factual nor history. Hell it might not even be "counter."  Anyway, it is stupid and overdone and this does not seem like a good example of it, even.

Keep telling yourself that South.