And then she turns back to the press again and says, "but I will!"
And then she turns back to the press again and says, "but I will!"
I am not much of a fan of Celebrity Game Night so far and tonight's episode sounds underwhelming. But Terry Crews is A-List all the way as far as I'm concerned. President Comacho!
(fires machine gun into the air while driving modified tank with handlebars)
'Widechapel,' is that the BBW porn version of 'Whitechapel'? If so where might one find such a programme?
'Widechapel,' is that the BBW porn version of 'Whitechapel'? If so where might one find such a programme?
"Put those brains back in your head mister, or I am going to have to write you up!"
No, no way, and this is why I object to calling Tate "the beast." There are almost certainly a number of killers responsible for those murders, you can't just say this one fictional guy is responsible for all that real-life horror.
Brad Dexter I think is a memorable character in it though, he is sort of the Rhett Butler of the Magnificent Seven, the unrepentently mercenary one, though not necessarily a bad guy. I don't think he really had the presence of any of the rest of the stars, but he wasn't bad.
It disturbed me a bit I must say that Tennant's delighted reaction to the finding of blood and hair on the boat was almost identical to his reaction as the 10th doctor to reactivating K-9 in "School Reunion." (And those things are really not very much the same).
Love the quote about having someone inside the tent pissing out rather than outside pissing in. Also it is I believe of suitably British derivation, going back to the early days of the National Theater when they invited the critic Kenneth Tynan to come work for them.
Broadchurch also is in the same timeslot. Hell's bells!
"We deal in lead, friend." (steely glare)
"So do I! We're in the same business!"
"Only as competitors."
McQueen, Brynner, Coburn, & Bronson I came up with easily, Dexter & Bucholz I oddly came up with as well just because I always remember being surprised at these two relative nobodies being in it (though both are effective & their roles well-defined). Vaughn was the one who fell through the cracks for me, though I…
I was trying to remember who the seven guys were in this recently & was surprised to realize the only one I couldn't come up with was Robert Vaughn. Watching it for the first time when I was young I might have thought he was the coolest one, but I don't think his brand of tough-guy image has aged quite as well as the…
I still think of Bailey Chase as Riley's buddy Graham from the "Initiative" season of "Buffy" (though he has improved as an actor since then…)
I love Hellboy but am not sure I can do it. If they end up including it in one of the trade paperbacks I will read it though as I am a completist on those (and they have all pretty much been awesome so far).
Nice comparison with Foyle—also both are stoic and use few words to the point of seeming standoffish and unfriendly quite often.
(ok, edited, sort of)
Yeah I sort of expected Mike Mosely (Vic's jealous/ ineffectual husband) to take out Lee Tergeson (the embittered detective/ stalker) and wrap up both of their storylines, which honestly have become a bit tiresome. Particularly as the show has seemingly deliberately backburned Mosely as the husband so consistently, to…
Hmm, I didn't even realize that I needed a new DVD edition of 'The Burbs' but now that I think about it, I just might.
The Glades is like a less interesting CSI Miami with a somehow even smarmier and more arrogant and unappealing lead character. I was thinking last night I might like a Longmire-The Glades crossover where Walt kicks Detective Glades' ass.