Evil Lincoln

I will dissent a bit from everyone else and say I don't mind the Walt-Vic romantic subtext (mostly on her side at least so far). I am not dying for them to get together or anything, particularly with her husband still at least occasionally in the picture, but I think it is an okay plot element. It helps that Katee

Yeah I think the show has nicely sidestepped simplistic characterizations of the guy deputies. Branch on the face of it is sort of an ambitious upstart ass, but you've come to realize that he secretly respects Walt and is actually a pretty good boyfriend to Katie if she would let him in. And Ferg initially seems like

Yeah Walt's ladyfriend probably should have dumped him just because he was so noncommittal and hot-and-cold with her, not because of Vic happening to be (more or less) innocently over at his place one evening.

Matt Roush on tvguide.com last week fielded a question about that & said he thought it was unlikely Longmire was in any danger of non-renewal.

Yeah I think Longmire has had a good season, too. Walt and Vic are great of course but even Branch and Ferg have become interesting characters.

Season finale of Longmire tonight. Katee Sackhoff is being stalked by a murderous cop, will Walt have her back? Will Detective Charles S. Dutton take Walt down for the murder of his wife's murderer??… I would think yes and no respectively, but should be a good watch anyway.

Yeah I wasn't crazy about her as Irene Adler but really like her in that other role.

Actually now that Timothy Olyphant is going to guest star on the Mindy Project, I think it would be cool if Mindy Kaling guest starred on Justified. Maybe as a Walter Whyte type doctor turned meth cooker/ dealer? Just spit balling…

That was…an odd choice.

Groundhog Day is defintely a top ten comedy for me, and This is Spinal Tap is close.

For me it is touch and go with Lady Eve and Bringing Up Baby as the greatest comedies ever. Rest of the top five, let's say His Girl Friday, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Ghostbusters (take that, Koski).

I wish the little girl who told the cute story about the sad, shaved werewolf actually turned into a werewolf at the end of that one and fatally mauled him.

Charles Coburn was fantastic. "A mug is a mug in everything."

I am finding myself oddly much more interested in the WNBA since Elena Delle Donne has joined the league.

I like her as the I hope still possible future big bad on Elementary.

It was no Sharknado.

Fuck yeah fucking Lady Eve! William Demarest is tremendous in that, last line and all. And tell me who would be better at playing a character named "Muggsy."

Ghost Shark, dog.

I did not think that Marco's wife was going to be cool with him staying with Sonja in any way. At least he belatedly figured that out and went to a motel which he should have done in the first place.

Also they expose Annabeth Gish's character's very very bad decision making (as noted in the review). Her discussion with the ranch hand really was telling about that—he basically told her straight up, I know what is going down and you can't trust that guy. And her response was to say, I'll talk to him—which consists