Gunnar Patriksson

So cold and sterile! Where's the heart?

Wait, but I thought Bowie was orgasmic in that song. And his voice instantly jumped out at me the second I heard it.

That first one looks like a kickass anime.

Is it just me or is that video playing the wrong clip?

I know I'm way late, but what on earth were they thinking when they wrote those "barbarian invasions" into the story? The Icelanders WERE the vikings.

They're finally killing off Troy McClure officially.

I guess that logically Marge must have been pregnant pretty recently. Weird to think about.

I figured.

"I do not think Todd's plodding, inferior piece of gibberish is worthy of the superior caliber of the program, nor is it anywhere up to the literary standards to which the AV Club ought to aspire. "

When Gretchen and Walt get lunch, Gretchen recounts how she found him packing his bags and storming out of her parents' house, where they had been staying for the Fourth of July weekend. In the same conversation he accuses her of being a spoiled rich girl and trying to fix everything with money.

Urge to spoil… Rising…

@avclub-a883fabbbec60032a0c7359a7351c122:disqus Oooooooh shit

@Wild Turkey Surprise I would agree with you if they had actually killed him just then, but I think it's all a part of BB's long tradition of cinematic fakeouts. Like the oranges rolling away when Ted fails to die.

No one cares about your opinions—I'm all for opinions. Your problem is that you're so goddamn humorless.

Walt HAS called Junior "Jesse" before. If Jesse introduces himself by name, Junior might be more receptive.

This is one of my favorite movies. I find it much more visceral than the average Scorsese film—it elevates my blood pressure until I feel like I'm going to explode. I've never watched anything this anxious before.

His high register can be orgasmic when used as a vocal flourish—"Slow Burn" from Heathen comes to mind. Most of the song is pretty low, except for one part of the chorus, and it cuts right through you. Really underrated song and album.

Anybody else think the spot in the desert where Walt buried the money looked familiar? I may be mistaken, but I think it was the same rock formation from the first episode, where Jesse spotted the "cow house."