
No, they have mouths full of little tiny Hitlers, and when they bark the little tiny Hitlers fly out and bite you.

800 quatloos that a Utahraptor can take out whatever Dino is, even if Dino gets to use that double-ended pendulum-shaped weapon.

"Least" intelligent?

Even more cleverer is to go "Jennifer? Love Hertits!"

McCoy always comes off as a bit of a dick. He's always second-guessing any decision that is made, and is always proven to be wrong. I think "The Tholian Web" is the best example of this - Spock is trying desperately to deal with the situation - Kirk possibly dead, freaky aliens trying to trap them - and all McCoy

In prison, you shoot in Cannon.

Emancipation of My Colon?

Let's not lose our perspective, here. Previous album titles such as "Glitter", "Charmbracelet", "Rainbows", "Puppies", "Moonbeams" and "Bright, Shiny Things" dug a very deep hole and buried the bar where it can never again be found. "Memoirs…" is actually coherent and adult by comparison.

Damnit Mike, he's a Dcotor, not an expert in human anatomy!!

I'm assuming you just finished reading The Fountainhead?

He's not really a pig-man, just a fat little mental patient.

Centipedes of unusual size? I don't believe they exist….

On Raptor Island, dinosaur eats YOU!!

Two years ago? That tired old _____ 2: Electric Boogaloo joke has been around forever.

In you, fire drills Soviet Russia!

In Soviet Russia …. fire drills YOU!

I'm not your fox, hound.

I've already subscribed to his newletter. I'll weigh in with my opinion once I have read the first issue.

Yes, but it fails to answer a more fundamental question.