Tyrant Joe

Sorry Darling, it's not you, it's Smee

He's called "Doctor Strange", which is short for "Doctor Strange, I Had Always Considered Myself Heterosexual Until I Saw Jared Leto"

At least we don't throw bananas at professional black athletes and call them monkeys, and the Neo-Nazi party doesn't have any senate seats.

The guy just isn't cut out to do voice work. Hell, his British accent on Game of Thrones makes Aiden Gillen sound like Benedict Cumberbatch.

Community: The Post-College Years

Yeah, I rolled my eyes when I saw the promo Quicksilver outfit, but after his scene all I could think was "Aaron Taylor-Johnson is not going to be anywhere near as fun as this, wrong Kick-Ass kid died"

Bill & Ted 3: Station 2 Station

I just looked it up, and it turns out Ringo was the conductor before Carlin. I always thought it was the other way around, like a cheap imitation.

In my high school and college days, anyone named Scott got the "Scotty Doesn't Know" treatment, from Road Trip


That TLC match from Wrestlemania X-7 is my most vivid memory of the Attitude Era, even moreso than the Undertaker/Mankind Hell in a Cell match. I just remember being in total awe at what I was seeing.

He looks like the kind of kid that wears Google Glass all day and constantly looks up things to prove people wrong

Or Richard Dawkins. Though to be fair, Dawkins has accomplished a lot so it's not quite unearned.

According to IMDb, that Sunny episode aired the same year as her debut on The OC. I guess her star burned out really quickly.

With the bar set by the previous Fantastic Four movies, I don't think anyone is getting too hyped for this one. But the most recent X-Men movies were pretty good, so maybe Fox has their shit figured out by now.

Ugh. His monologues in Lost were fridge break times for me.

I remember people rabbling for Pedro Pascal, which would be pretty neat.


Is this Edie Falco's alt account?

I feel like Showtime renews shows like people renew their free trial AOL subscription, and forget to opt out at the end of the billing cycle.