I eat cannibals. Its incredible.
I eat cannibals. Its incredible.
Its called the Ted Nugent Effect.
See above. :)
Take a trip to Fresno, CA.
Once, while listening to Iron Maiden somewhere in Sussex, I found myself compelled to vote for Margaret Thatcher!
Innuendo implies subtlety.
All metal is just a gateway drug to Kenny Chesney, NASCAR, and voting Republican. One day you're bitching about the oppression of The Man and listening to Judas Priest, the next you're bitching about gay marriage and listening,to Rush Limbaugh.
Because Americans are now too fat and lazy to even play themselves. Or play with themselves, for that matter. Australians make the best Americans, as anyone who's familiar with the career of Mel Gibson can attest to. Rabidly religious, anti-semetic, drunk, and bi-polar — that's us!
I'm waiting for After Watchmen, myself.
(he didn't hire the prostitute — he was trying to strangle her because she mistook him for Alan Moore)
Excalibur, originally the comic that got me into comics — *sigh*. Yeah, no, just let it stay dead. The history of that title is nothing but a series of disappointments. A new Captain Britain title, with Pete Wisdom in a supporting role… I'd buy that. But the name Excalibur is cursed, as surely as Warren Ellis will…
You mean the people who never run into some toothless gutter punk with track marks who goes on a rant about how he's rejected society's expectations of him and that no-one will ever make him a cubicle slave while sitting in a cardboard box with a sign that says "GIVE ME MONEY, FASCISTS", and therefore never get the…
Howard Stern with a late night talk show proves there's no God.
Ooooo, this could get exciting for viewers over 70.
I've spent all morning hating on Feist; I have no energy left for Phish. :)
I've never listened to a single Phish song. I have no opinion on them one way or another. I'm just commenting here because I'm lonely and only want someone to love me. Anyone.
Dollhouse — a show about complex social issues disguised as nerdy male's fantasy about programmable hot chicks. I'm surprised it didn't run 7 seasons.
(sometime in 1981, at a party somewhere in New York)
"All I know is, a DJ spinning a vinyl record on a turntable is no substitute for a live band. I hope this dies quickly."
Mostly its diet culture itself pushing gluten free products.