Its a particularly good example of a sci-fi horror movie, and very influential. Its worth seeing.
Its a particularly good example of a sci-fi horror movie, and very influential. Its worth seeing.
Its a particularly good example of a sci-fi horror movie, and very influential. Its worth seeing.
More like Alien is a minor spin-off of Prometheus.
More like Alien is a minor spin-off of Prometheus.
Y'know I hear people say they didn't care about the characters alot in movie reviews these days, and it just occurred to me — why should you have to?
Y'know I hear people say they didn't care about the characters alot in movie reviews these days, and it just occurred to me — why should you have to?
It was meant for Mr. Weyland. Theron's character didn't need it because she's an android.
It was meant for Mr. Weyland. Theron's character didn't need it because she's an android.
World-weary cannibals are world-weary, and in need of ketchup.
World-weary commenter is world-weary.
World-weary AV Club writer is world-weary.
World-weary AV Club writer is world-weary.
It was really just the daydreams of an autistic kid in Boston.
It was really just the daydreams of an autistic kid in Boston.
Lemme write that down…
Lemme write that down…
He made it clear in the first paragraph of the review that he wasn't coming in as an impartial reviewer.
He made it clear in the first paragraph of the review that he wasn't coming in as an impartial reviewer.
…wait… nevermind… I forgot — AV Club reviewers hate everything, except Community.
…wait… nevermind… I forgot — AV Club reviewers hate everything, except Community.