Big Sneezy

I already knew that shit.

Speaking of which, know of a way to obtain the Cleo from 5 to 7 score? Been trying to get a clean copy of that opening staircase scene for years…

Not so sure about that reasoning. Kodak still manufactures two BW stocks, and into the early 2000s had at least three BW stocks. Fuji, Agfa, Foma, and Ilford all made BW stocks into the 90s. I thought that films like The General and the Coen's Man Who Wasn't There were shot on color more for vague business truisms: A

No one mentioned racism in this thread except you, fool.

I loved it. Sci-fi Western Noir. They should scrap the thing they were doing before and do this thing instead. It was cool. Basic plot: Tommy catches a case. Nolan has to decide whether to pursue it or to keep the peace. Sins of the past seep into the present. Lots of florescent, a dash of flashbacks, and a little bot

Anyone else think that Nolan is a complete idiot and verging on being a completely uninteresting character? I mean, he just doesn't seem all that good at his job and he approaches every single obstacle by pulling out his gun. I recognize that he's within a certain tradition in the genre, but I'd really love for the

Yeah, based on the ending of the previous episode, I was pretty shocked at how casual everyone was about covering up in this one.  And "plague" ends up seeming a little overwrought for what it actually ends up being. More like "virulent but easily contained infection".

It's worth watching, definitely. It's unconventional, definitely. I guess it all gels for me when Crockett and Tubbs are making an undercover gun and/or drug buy and the film suddenly seems waaay too self-aware. The whole scene seems to be saying "Man, look how realistic this all is" when it is about as interesting as

I also find this movie fascinating, and compulsively re-watchable. But it's a horrible film. Just had to register on Disqus to put that out there.