
Though 'Last Resort' was his first feature, Pawlikowski cut his teeth in documentaries, all of which are up on his website. They're uniformly excellent, mostly BBC commissions exploring aspects of late 80s/early 90s Eastern Europe. Prolly the most fascinating/gruelling is 'Serbian Epics,' a fascinating portrait of a

Though 'Last Resort' was his first feature, Pawlikowski cut his teeth in documentaries, all of which are up on his website. They're uniformly excellent, mostly BBC commissions exploring aspects of late 80s/early 90s Eastern Europe. Prolly the most fascinating/gruelling is 'Serbian Epics,' a fascinating portrait of a

Spirit WIFE

I know they never really broke the US, but it always galls me to see Suede given plaudits but nothing said about their contemporaies (and co-nominees for the first Mercury prize) The Auteurs. A right bunch of contrary buggers, but capable of knocking out a fine tune or two.

Paul Foot's 'Ash in the Attic' was one of the funniest hours I've spent at the Edfest, like, ever.

Passion of Darkly Noon
is my favourite, a wee gem of a film. Brendan Fraser pre-blue screen obsession. Viggo Mortensen before Rohan. An abndance of red body paint. A giant silver shoe on fire. Madness and shit. What's not to like?