what a horrible night to have

Pitt isn't playing the Laughing Man, but rather Hideo Kuze. Not that he really looks like him, but I guess "cyborg whose body is literally falling apart" is a bit closer to "revolutionary leader with a frozen face and outdated body" than a super hacker with a smiley face.

The best part about the logs was getting some insight into the Space Pirates and what huge fuckups they are and how absolutely terrified of Samus they are. I love the log in the first game where they try to duplicate the Morph Ball technology with predictably dire results. And then Dark Samus shows up in MP2 and

Ghost in the Shell 2.0 sucks, but the Major's voice in the original movie is the one thing that doesn't really work for me. Maybe it's just because I saw SAC first, but she's just so monotone in the movie. And since everyone else (with the exception of Togusa) is already the same as the SAC cast…

Yeah, it was real sexy, until the horrifying scene where she rips her body apart trying to get into that tank. I couldn't rewatch the movie for years thanks to that part.

I think Mary Elizabeth McGlynn from Stand Alone Complex is the definitive Major. She's got such an authoritative voice that perfectly suits the character. I kind of wish they'd redub the original movie with her, since she's already the Major in Innocence, but I can understand her reluctance to do so out of respect

Pretty much. It's a case of an event that should have been near the very end of the story happening at the midway point instead.

I stopped watching Death Note after a certain character died. It just seemed pointless after that. Though I did skip ahead and watch the final episode just to see Light get what he deserved.

I love Nuclear Throne, but I have yet to figure out a reliable way to kill Lil' Hunter. He ends so many of my best runs.

I was waiting for Matt Hannon's legendary wig from Samurai Cop in the list, but that wig is probably the least of that movie's problems.

The AV Club may have gone too far in a few places.

I always thought the setting in Fusion was kind of boring and unmemorable. Metroid has always been about exploring these utterly alien ruins and subterranean fortresses and that sort of thing. Fusion takes place on a space station that's environments are just supposed to be man-made simulations of the areas you'd

Metroid Fusion was my first and last foray into the world of low-percent runs. Probably a poor choice to start with, since I don't think the game is all that easy when played as intended. I actually got decently far without a single energy tank, but there comes a point where you realize that you're getting

Yeah, Reboot is awesome. I actually rewatched it fairly recently. The CG is sort of archaic, but charming.
Season 4 is pretty weird, though.

I don't gotta admit it because I thought giant blue Korra vs giant red Unalaq was awful and a series low point.

I was initially pretty disappointed when they revealed that Unalaq was part of the conspiracy, and in fact the original mastermind. Nothing puts a downer on the newly-introduced ultra secret society like hearing that the franchise's most disappointing arch-villain was one of their most influential members and was the

I even find Naga's design kind of weird and off-putting, with her big ol' front polar bear paws and then little back dog legs. I guess I find a six-legged flying bison to be a more natural- and lovable-looking animal.

Am I a bad person for not really liking Naga? I always loved Appa, but I've never really got the sense that Naga has much personality beyond "I'm a dog."

I was really worried during Zaheer's info dump that we were going to get another "Korra is clearly duped by a bad guy" moment and that she would start agreeing with his philosophy. Good to see her standing her ground and not getting manipulated for a change.

Maybe, but the core of Helena's storylines always seem to be a male figure thinking he can control or abuse her into doing what he wants, and it ultimately backfiring spectacularly. Now Helena's in the ultimate male control structure—the military—so I'm expecting epic mayhem to eventually ensue.

Rachel totally needs to show up again with an eyepatch and get in a fight with Helena, who will promptly go for her one good eye.