Placenta Juan the Afterbirth T

Are you negging?

Pas d'avenir
Pas d'avenir
Pas d'avenir pour vous

"Why don't you write about black celebrities being criticized for attending!"

They didn't post any articles about speeches by Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer, Madeleine Albright, Bill de Blasio, Michael Bloomberg, Harry Reid, Martin O'Malley, Sherrod Brown, Chris Murphy or Amy Klobuchar either.

Let me guess, Glenn Greenwald?

It serves the same general purpose as "fag" now that homophobia is considered uncool.

The last 80 months of economic growth have been unbearable.

Someone disputed the idea that there was an argument against gay-marriage that wasn't rooted in bigotry.

Like Obama in 2008 Sanders was against gay marriage and for civil unions in 2006 when he was running for Senate.

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But he was likely lying because it was still a very unpopoluar position in 2008. Even St. Bernie pretended to be against it.

"You gotta be kidding, I've got BOXES full of sausage-fingered rapist!"

"It's 95 degrees out, of course it's hot enough for me!"

He's probably a rapist.

Like have it fetch your lunch from McDonald's?

Really? That sucks, there's nothing worse than someone who is prejudiced against people due to race.

Well, you did know that we're pals…

The difference is that it isn't the 83,233rd time she'd done it.

What are you talking about? They've gone their own way.