
This is Hell, nor am I out of it
The firmament is rent in twain
And I am here to shout of it
Damnation is infectious
And I've got a nasty bout of it
You've got to get the Hell out of this town!

I'm wondering if you had Irreversible in mind when describing your blog post, because I certainly had it in mind while reading about it. French, check; limp, meandering, check, solipsistic, unrelatable characters meant to be redeemed by the shocking acts of violence that they live through, check. Plus, it plays with

I'm wondering if you had Irreversible in mind when describing your blog post, because I certainly had it in mind while reading about it. French, check; limp, meandering, check, solipsistic, unrelatable characters meant to be redeemed by the shocking acts of violence that they live through, check. Plus, it plays with

I also liked that when they mentioned that nickname, Selina made a disgusted, disapproving face, and one of the staffers (Mike? Gary?) said, "No, not that one."

I also liked that when they mentioned that nickname, Selina made a disgusted, disapproving face, and one of the staffers (Mike? Gary?) said, "No, not that one."