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    I've been thinking that for a couple of years now and it drives me crazy every time. I liken it to a Scooby Doo wrap-up where they all take turns in explaining how it was the janitor all along… On Scooby Doo it's ok, but on a supposedly intelligent and well written adult oriented TV show it's totally cringe worthy.

    Yes, some people from Essex, UK do meet your stereotype but unless you know everybody in the county you can't really say "full of awful people with no taste" now can you?

    Interesting points - you're right on the socially challenged profoundly gifted part and I hadn't thought about that fact that he's still very ashamed of what happened. Bell did react in some way, I seem to remember but I'd have to watch the ep again to be sure. Even with that in mind though, if you consider how much

    "Aidan Quinn is a very good actor who excels at scenes like this! By the time we see him it’s like the end of last season and the beginning of this season never happened; we could have used that bridge here."

    With you on all counts!

    Supposed to be very stiff-upper-lip Brit but of course if they'd actually wanted an actor who could properly pull that off maybe they shouldn't have gone with an Australian. Choosing a British actor would have been such a novel idea, there are so few of them to choose from after all. *she says, dripping with sarcasm*

    Hmmm, what an insult to Aidan :(

    Sorry, I see that the Doherty interview has already been linked to and discussed. Oh well, serves me right for arriving so late!

    I don't totally understand why at this point either, but I think that's how they planned it. From what I've read we are going to find out what happened in the 3 days between SH walking into the tunnel and Joan talking to him on the rooftop in the next season. Take a look at this fairly revealing interview with Robert

    Totally agree with your comments on the 'procedural loop'. The question is: WHY is this a procedural show? I started watching from ep1 because I have always been a fan of Conan Doyle's SH and I was interested to see how the shake-up (NY instead of London, Joan instead of John) would work and it does work, but the way

    Me too, but here's a suggestion to all the viewers who pick up on the guest star names in the opening credits - don't look! Of course, that doesn't help when you see said person in the show and recognize them but at least there's 'some' element of surprise. Having said that, the writers do need to mix it up as very

    That's true, but in my opinion seeing Aidan in anything, even a lesser role, is better than not seeing him at all. That's the point I'm trying to make.

    The "downgrade" or "write him off" possibility was my fear too but looks like we're safe for now! ;)

    Disappointing and convoluted (like many of the A stories this season) but what kept me interested was the B story. We haven't seen nearly enough of Gregson in the second half of this season. He's just popped up here and there for the (painfully) awkward wrap-ups that remind me of an episode of Scooby Doo every time I