
They've got the momentum and heavy swords, two things Theo Huxtable lacked in his botched beheading.

They've got the momentum and heavy swords, two things Theo Huxtable lacked in his botched beheading.

A barrel with a glory hole?


I really expected a subplot of this episode to be that Walt had either purposely dipped into the supply or received a contact high, given the slapstick extent of his obsession with the titular insect, and the idea that Jesse, realizing that Walt was lit, snuck a whole fistful of sleeping pills into his coffee.

Kick, Punch, it's all in the mind!

Preferable to a Catholic Priest
At least acne waits til you're a teenager to come all over your face!

Hey Yo Phife
You remember that routine, that we used to make spiffy like Mr. Clean?