
It's just a *theory*. That doesn't mean it's correct.

That's exactly why I don't think she has one. I thought it had to do with her braces as well.

You know, I thought it was separate but I found out the entire network is part of the entire Fox conglomerate. Fox regular network, Fox News, 20th Century Fox etc.

Also maybe I haven't been paying close attention but I can't say I've noticed any girls having a lisp.

Have you read this review or any others from AV Club this season? Unfortunately sometimes in life, "racial things" happen and ignoring them won't make it go away. As to whether that's what is actually happening, we can only speculate based on what we see but since Kayla the author of these reviews has spearheaded this

Also, yes to Matilda Ramsay. Just yes. I heard she is getting her own show in the UK and that is awesome. I can't help but wonder if Gordon is going to keep trying to set one of the kids up with his own kids now, he's 2 for 2 on this for two seasons in row (first Oona with his son and now Andrew with his daughter). I

Even when Ayla was focused on, she didn't have much to say. She was almost quiet during her salmon dish's judging. The speculation this discussion space has been having about her being just generally an introverted person is starting to show more and more. It is a shame that the editing is cutting a lot of her but

I was definitely impressed with Andrew and Riley working together. Andrew has had his jerk moments so far this season but the way he worked with Riley was awesome, it was almost as if he was a big brother type. That made me smile. Plus, Riley patting Gordan's face had me laughing hard.

I plead the fifth if I am wrong about anything, heh

I would recommend you Google Buzzfeed's great article about MCJ from last year. I know, it's buzz feed, but it was surprisingly good and explained a lot of what goes on behind the scenes. Medics are on hand at all times (as pointed out above, heck they showed them first episode this season when Kayla cut her fingers).

As I said earlier, I'm thinking they are most likely filming confessionals with all the kids; whether they are all being aired is another thing altogether.

I did know her name as did many others commenting, just read last week's review!

I've watched episode 1 of this season on demand a few times now, and Cory definitely had a few confessionals (he was the first one within minutes of the episode beginning) that first one and no team challenges at all. I'm not denying patterns because I see them too, but I did want to clarify this one.

Well said. To piggyback off this a bit, I haven't studied culinary arts so I can't say what that industry is like, but I have worked in and studied the American entertainment industry at extensive lengths. The industry has a long history of systematic racism and bigotry that really can't be solved by diversity quotas

I liked that too. After Joe talked to them, they seemed to have a look of feeling a bit better although clearly both were still upset. For all his positive things he does with the kids on this show, I guess Gordon still reverts to his overly critical side.

As a native New Yorker, my guess is those girls being loud is a natural thing since they are both from NY (albeit Jenna from the city and Kayla from Long Island, which is NYC suburbs). We're loud people so we breed equally loud kids, heh ;)

*** Spoilers ahead since someone didn't like it in last week's comments ***

The thing is that certain kids could be prodigies in some areas, but also to note that some kids mature faster than others, which includes what they watch on TV. When I was a kid (late 80's/early 90's), I was still watching cartoons at age 9 and some kids in my class had already gravitated to teen dramas like Melrose

To be fair, Riley (the little guy who speaks 3 languages), has a strong hint of an accent. If he speaks fluent German and English, my guess is his parents immigrated from Germany to Texas (which is where he is mentioned as being from) so he likely could speak both languages at home. I have had many friends who moved

I doubt kids know what ageism is.