This Coffee is Terrible

I like 1931, when the Statute of Westminster was passed and the British Parliament could no longer overrule Canada's or determine foreign policy, as the independence date.

If you search iTunes for Bob Marley, you also get results for a standup comedian (a white guy from Maine.)

But Greenland doesn't even have a team.

Together with the detailed description she gave Ted about her relationship with Wesley, I think we can assume that two blocks over in the future, Cassie is telling her kids how she met their father.

The Expos did last long enough to see the start of interleague play, which did result in a few series against the Jays.

Their goal isn't "to marry into enough money so that they can continue not having to work for a living", it's "make a good marriage or fall into total poverty." It's not like the Bennet sisters could go off to university or trade school or what have you.

Thanks, ApathyMonger!

Wasn't there some fan theory or expanded universe spinoff which postulated that the Doctor in the parallel universe was the fascist leader of Britain?

Well, if she has the same unnatural healing abilities that her niece Kira seems to have, she'll probably come back for more mayhem and desserts next year.

Plus, whether their legal arguments would stand up or not, it's a dangerous idea to sign a contract with a company that *thinks* it can own you.

I think he said six Marines, which probably would mean Americans (or possibly Britons.)

Maybe they'll at least explain why all the lighting is blue-filtered in the future. Does something go wrong with the sun, and NASA has to replace it with a big fluorescent lamp?

Well, taking the lead in the sense that she's the main character — the most likely to be present for the climax of any given storyline and the least likely to get herself killed or otherwise written off. Though this is one show where they could kill off the lead character in the Shocking Twist! episode where

Or maybe it took them 19 tries to fix the original's fertility problems.

Ah, thanks, missed that.

I'm going to assume there was a deleted scene which explains why the most suit-wearing suit-wearer in the cast had to borrow Walt's suit. Maybe Schmidt had put his winter suits in storage already?

Pretty sure that if they'd done that, the film would just get a different set of scientific advisors. Or none.

I once met some people who acted as scientific advisors for "The Core". As I recall, they told the producers nothing in the script made sense, and the filmmakers just shrugged and kept going. They also got to appear on screen as extras, wearing the lab coats they told the producers geophysicists almost never wear.

I don't know, I'd trust a fake Donald Trump guarantee about as much as a real one. Maybe more.

This was already covered by a Québecois band called "Irish Moutarde": it's got more electric guitar and French-Canadian accents than they'll end up using on the show, but I liked it all the same.