Brazilian Emo Hulk

Dang. I don't know why I thought Perth. Either way, it's been a while since I've thought about that band and now I'm a touch nostalgic.

Dang. I don't know why I thought Perth. Either way, it's been a while since I've thought about that band and now I'm a touch nostalgic.

Muthafuckin' Silverchair, bro. Yoooooooooouuuuuu waiiiiiiit til tomorrow…

Muthafuckin' Silverchair, bro. Yoooooooooouuuuuu waiiiiiiit til tomorrow…

I know the second Dirty Dancing was like that. It was supposed to be about foreign intrigue and a little dancing, then BOOM, its a Dirty Dancing movie. Also some horror movies that are escaping me now. That's a good call on the Inventory request.

I know the second Dirty Dancing was like that. It was supposed to be about foreign intrigue and a little dancing, then BOOM, its a Dirty Dancing movie. Also some horror movies that are escaping me now. That's a good call on the Inventory request.

You are correct. He also seems to have a tenuous grasp of the word "literally". This dude should party with Chris Traeger.

You are correct. He also seems to have a tenuous grasp of the word "literally". This dude should party with Chris Traeger.

Yeah, and for some reason, the fat dude with the hat and beard reminds me of Harry Nilsson if this were a Lifetime movie based on his life. "Nilsson Schmilsson: Not Without My Daughter".

Yeah, and for some reason, the fat dude with the hat and beard reminds me of Harry Nilsson if this were a Lifetime movie based on his life. "Nilsson Schmilsson: Not Without My Daughter".

Where's "Holy Motors" and Denis Lavant? Not even in the foreign language films list? This in no way makes a lick of sense to me. I always knew awards for film, tv, etc were bullshit, but HM not being on here is absolutely ludicrous.

Where's "Holy Motors" and Denis Lavant? Not even in the foreign language films list? This in no way makes a lick of sense to me. I always knew awards for film, tv, etc were bullshit, but HM not being on here is absolutely ludicrous.

I hate when you can actually taste other people's cologne because they have too much on. What are they covering up? Do they know bathing is an option?

I hate when you can actually taste other people's cologne because they have too much on. What are they covering up? Do they know bathing is an option?

This one is BPB doing Palace songs - basically him covering himself. Sounds like you're more familiar with the original Palace version, which is absolutely fucking incredible.

This one is BPB doing Palace songs - basically him covering himself. Sounds like you're more familiar with the original Palace version, which is absolutely fucking incredible.

Charlie don't work the deep fryer.

Charlie don't work the deep fryer.

Goodburger Redux or GTFO.

Goodburger Redux or GTFO.