
I had forgotten his brilliant performance in that MASH episode, as the replacement surgeon who had served at the Pusan Perimeter. Powerful and affecting.

Don't forget the scenes of him taking his laundry home for the household servants to do. That really happened, by the way. That could be the centerpiece of the trilogy!

"You're really high…, I'm gonna tell your savior!"

I didn't. I was thinking about True Romance. Right after it posted I noticed my mistake…you'll see it's corrected. But you're right in a sense…Tarantino was the connection.

I've been trying to remember the title of Santa's Slay for over a decade! I first saw it (picking it up somewhere in the middle) on a Korean Movie Channel when I lived in Busan! It was so wonderfully odd that I've been telling people about it…but I wasn't so concerned that I could do some basic research. Thank you,

I spent a moment after reading this feeling sorry for Slater, a little bit. After all, he showed such promise in Heathers, Pump Up the Volume, and True Romance. At the the time, movies like Kuffs seemed like the aberrations, not the norm. But then I checked his IMDB page and realized that he's been acting steadily

It's an excellent movie, and made when Cage was still an actor. I only have one issue with it…during the big climax (I won't spoil a 20 yr old movie for those who haven't seen it), a deputy calls for 'backup from Laramie and Rawlins.' Well, I currently live in Rawlins, and at the time was living in Laramie. Given

You can't go wrong with Hooper.

I won't defend EC's drunken comments to Delaney Bramlett, but the fact is, in 'Oliver's Army', when he sings 'one more little one less white nigger', he's referring to the way the British view the Irish.  Whether that was true in 1978, I don't know.  But that was certainly his perception as a songwriter.  It's called

Brutal Youth, All This Useless Beauty (both with most or all of the Attractions), then go ahead and skip ahead to either Delivery Man or Momofuku.  He had some killer singles and songs in the period I'm skipping, though.  But he was being stylistically everywhere…if you don't mind a hodgepodge, give When I Was Cruel a

I'd never really thought about that—that Costello's act of rebellion paved the way for the Mileys and the acting out today.  It makes sense, though.  After all, you can trace a line from Lenny Bruce's obscenity trials to the likes of Andrew Dice Clay.  Cool. Great to have a new angle on something like this.

There are lots of good places, but I started with History.  It's a cycle about aging and family (sound familiar?) written in the wake of his father's passing, I believe.  But there are songs about family, kids, his sister…and funny stuff, too.  Really good stuff.  If you don't want to go there, try Therapy, or the 2nd