
I never thought about Irving having a hand in the phone call. I just assumed that Oxford had a record of him being on loan to the U.S. that was never modified because he never returned. It seems like the kind of clerical error that could totally happen.

I feel like this show is right on the cusp of churning out some really great episodes. Not that I don't think these past 5 have been great, because they have. I just think this show is capable of better.

The tape bit was a nice subtle touch. Not all of his bewilderment needs to be called out.

Apparently we're gonna get backstories of the Horsemen at some point. In the interview I watched yesterday they were talking about exploring how Pestilence became Pestilence, etc. so that the Horsemen have personalities beyond generic evil.

At first I thought the boy said "You're thin" or "All then," which made it extra funny when Ichabod said "It's a language you too are familiar with: English."

I think we've all felt like Ichabod with those things. I had to pause when he said it because I was laughing so hard. This show can be funnier than some comedies.

I realized another thing I love about this show: the music. It fits the mood of the show just right. A little spooky, and a little fun.

"What is this impenetrable barrier around this instrument?"

I read somewhere though that that is absolutely not a fake out, that she really gets shot with real bullets.

I came here to witness the triumphant return of the GLICE gimmick commenter. Where is he/she?

Can we talk about that scene on the beach at the end?

Well it's not like Eagleton has suddenly moved geographically. Sure, maybe more Eagletonians will start visiting Pawnee, but I highly doubt any would unless absolutely necessary (i.e. for their job).

It also sounds completely plausible that Pawnee would be the only place where it exists.

Can I just say something? I, like, also want to see more of her.

"Leslie's not actually a bad person, just nutty"

You watch your tongue! The model UN episode is probably my favourite Parks and Rec episode ever. Okay, maybe not ever, but it's top 10 for sure. It was just SO FUNNY!

Like Alisdair, I really hope they keep calling him Larry from now on. I loved that Leslie had his name as Larry on her board.

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I got a bit misty during the scene where Thea visits her mom in prison. Pretty good performances all around.

I would not be opposed to this…

Am I the only one who kept hearing "Ezekiel" as "easy kill?" Foreshadowing maybe?