Prince Humperdink

You've got red on you.


Well, this post of yours seems to have lasted - absolutely none of mine over the last 10 days have made it beyond a few minutes. It's funny, too, because the death of Mork really brought out a warm, caring side to my comments, in addition to the usual dickery. This has taught me a valuable lesson: if I try to ne nice,

He really wasn't a "great artist" to me… He was Mork :-(

Why, are we getting too much shitty suicide laced with talc?

I usually make them go away by imagining I'm in a zombie apocalypse. Everything becomes manageable and makes sense. I can day dream until I fall asleep.

Michael: those are your mantras, because you've made them your mantras, after a lot of work. And now they reinforce and regenerate the work you've already done. Of course suicide is always an option, because it is a human choice. You have committed to that mantra and made yourself master of that destiny - but you MADE

Michael, the weird thing is, that you are describing how I might describe my quitting drinking. The thing is, it's descriptive - and simplistic in it's description in the sense that it's really no goddam use to anyone else. You would have to get under the hood of someone elses head, and nudge them in the right

In fairness, though: it's Mork

Actually, I think I probably got my entire account deleted/banished. But fair enough. You giant pansies are going to be alright.

FWIW: I don't like the "disease" description either. Some people would probably describe me as an alcoholic in recovery. I prefer the description of "former drunk". "Disease" seems to rob one of agency - and it was my sheer weight of will incrementally built up as resistance that broke through a wall, and helped me

Self indulgent, self absorbed waste of two hours by cliquish Hollywood kissy-kissy ego-wanking circle-jerk. The filth doesn't bother me as much the nauseating mutual-admiration group-think - does no one notice this isn't about the joke at all, but about how much they all love another? If you want to watch

(… with AIDS. Glad to help.)

Shit work bat ogre beer try diner coil tic