
I watched the entire 60 minutes version of 2 Girls 1 Cup and i'm still weirded out by this trailer.

I can actually see that.

Hey don't you dare insult Werner Herzog!

Um, okay?

Them CancerAIDS.

I'm just looking for an excuse to rag on Whedon for not doing cable.

Michael Crichton's now a zombie?

JJ Abrams, Michael Crichton and HBO?

@avclub-17bd5c8f1ff2909f6708a1b7a3e001c7:disqus Well, i am this guy after all:

I'd say that 80 to 90% of the attendants are Japanese.

Concerts in Japan are always full or half-full for some weird reason, even if no one knows who the singer/musician/band is.

She could have just said:

'That's Hot'

@avclub-09edf2c698a3b122d8118387ce2642ff:disqus Permission Granted.

Cool, i can't wait for Fast & Furious 50, Where Paul Walker and Vin Diesel Rode Through a Retirement Home in a Nitro Wheelchair

On The 7th Fast, God Became 7 Furious

I can actually imagine a remake of Big Trouble in Little China starring Chris Evans as Jack Burton.

Emma Roberts?

My dream is to date a Coppola so that i can cheat my way to Hollywood.

You take the piss out of Al Jolson again and I will remove your iPod from its tiny nano-sheath and push it up your cock. Then I'll put some speakers up your arse and put it on to shuffle with my fucking fist. Then, every time I hear something that I don't like - which will be every time that something comes on - I