
Fucking real life, man.


You know, i tried binging through the entire Uncharted trilogy and yet the amount of repetitive bad guys jumping to you makes the first game unbearable.

I'd recommend The Americans and Orphan Black.

I'm currently binging on my remaining Thick of It collection (S3+S4+Rise of the Nutters+Other specials),

Oh, i have to catch up on a lot of pop culture things.

Internet Film School
How Getaway Mastered The Art of Car Filmmaking Popularized by Drive

At the same time, reddit has banned any link submissions to Russia Today.

I'm not implying that actually.

@GuyIncognitoII:disqus Here's a few new stars, I've got two new cars, I'm with (Gangsters)
I went from dough to broke, How'd I survive, Cause I think like (Gangsters)
Come with me to HMP and I'll show you (Gangsters)
Aight God I see you put me with them (Gangsters)

Um, i think Hannah Montana-era Miley sucked almost half the negative potential out of Taylor Swift.

I love how Reddit is freaking out that the producers of this turd film is trying to spam their site with Getaway threads:

Hey if you like that shit, then more power to you i guess.

u wot m8?

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight.
*nuclear explosion*

Actually, she looks older than 8 in Spring Breakers.

I think that America really failed to meet the needs of an over-educated population.

The movie might be a C, but the image is an A++

Um, okay.

This one image pretty much sums up this film: