

So is Zoey Deschanel channeling where Pizzicato Five left off with all that Neo-60's look?

There's always a man, always a lighthouse, always a city.

This is the beauty of Bioshock Infinite (which was also inspired by Primer).

Damnit, i wanted to see them at the Hostess Club Festival in Taipei!

More like "Hard on Dick, See?"


I'm so happy to have you as my friend and i love Lisa so much.

I won't change it though because whatever.

It did taste nice, i have to admit.


Hey, it's the guy from Mystery Team and Derrick Comedy!

Someone needs to create a Great Gatsby mod for Skyrim.

Friday: Since i got an A+ in my Japanese N3 JLPT exam, i've decided to celebrate with a screening of Iron Man 3 with my friends. it was good, but it lacked the charm of the first movie and it says a lot when GI Joe 2 had a better action finale than IM3.

It was okay.

I can't wait for the PS3 game too.

The worst offender was ClearChannel for banning 140 songs after 9/11 for containing words like "plane", "building" and "bomb".

But…but…my precious snowflakes might become future Chechen-Bostonians if they watched that episode of Castle!

It's a tie between James and the Giant Peach, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Animal Farm and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2.

If i were a Navy Seal sniper and Jesse Ventura told me that my colleagues and friends should die, then i would punch his face too.