
@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus Fuck yeah.

He truly deserved it.

Chris Kyle also punched Jesse Ventura in the face.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Well, Kimchi does need less of Anthony Kiedis.

Well, it's a mixed bag. It was okay, but there's a lot of unexplained bullshit in the movie:

Since Black Stalin.

It depends.

I have the entire playlist:

Eric Clapton's Tears in Heaven is the generic soundtrack used for awful restaurants in Asia that serves "Western Food".

I like it when there's more movies being madde about the flaws of radical activism on every sides of the story.

Hopefully Pacific Rim manages to fulfill my needs for a good mecha movie this year after Evangelion 3.0 went all Prometheus.

I have yet to watch Iron Man 2 despite having both Scarlett Johanssen and Sam Rockwell in it.

Read the Youtube comments, man.

As a regular jogger and UFC viewer, your comment offends me.

For me, ASAP Rocky+Main Attrakionz >>>> Odd Future.

We live in a society where people thought that The Onion's Sex House was a real reality show.

The last time i tried a sip of Mountain Dew, my body felt terrible and i feel like a dying obese man on aftertaste.

I wish Mountain Dew was actually renamed as "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong".


I admitted that i'm only watching it for Emma Watson.