@avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus Its the unexplained character disappearances and returns that I found most problematic.
@avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus Its the unexplained character disappearances and returns that I found most problematic.
@avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus no, a friend of mine IRL, though Bleeding Cool might have planted said seed.
Just be warned…JIM's first volume is a little tough cause it happens in the middle of the awful Fear Itself crossover and there's a few things that go a bit unexplained. The series really picks up around the end of vol 2.
Interesting observation, whatever happened to Chris Kent anyway? I stopped reading around New Krypton…
Mine too, best of luck man!
Someone else said that to me this week about the foreknowledge, funny. I agree completely.
True, I forgot about that…well, I dunno then, especially with copies of Batman Inc going for 30 bucks already and sold out all over my town anyway.
I actually very much agree with you for the most part. His current Fantastic Four run is putting his limits on display, much like Iron Man and Thor did. He's competent at the straight-forward super-hero stuff, but it's nothing to write home about.
I think so, there was a point around issue 7 or 8, where I was just completely hooked in. I dunno where he's going from issue to issue, but I absolutely love it. The introduction of Orion was also huge.
I shall do so!
I do love that Dodson art, I'll see about checking it out!
I loved that moment, it's Morrison winking at the audience for his preferred Batman and Robin pairing, which he's gone on record saying he would have written that for years if DC had allowed it.
I'm probably the one guy in the world that just doesn't see the appeal of Saga…it's just okay…I prefer Prophet for my sci-fi epic stuff.
Iron Fist hasn't come together for me yet in what I've read, but I need to dig into it more, just about to finish Vol 1. Defenders I haven't tried, but will if you recommend.
I'm working my way through it, the first trade hasn't quite sold me yet, but I'm hoping to get more into it as I go on.
Newsstand is the way to go honestly, gotta get this stuff in the hands of kids and turn on some new fans.
I get the frustration too, but considering how much product the shops often get stuck with (returnable or not), I can understand their hesitancy to go too far beyond the guaranteed sales. Hell, even their subscribers burn them sometimes. It's like playing the stock market in a micro-sense.
It's close, but Wonder Woman is right there on its heels I'd argue.
Nothing is more iffy than that record with Dave Koz and Luther Vandross, but even that had the awesome "Fame".
I was never a fan of Fraction's until these two books came out, and I still don't care for his work on Fantastic Four which is terribly wheel-spinning in comparison, but when he's paired with artists that get his sensibilities like Aja and Allred, I think he absolutely nails it. These are two of my most anticipated…