GRRM Faery Tales

My aunt lives in Scotland; she says it's quite nice.

One mist had gone, but another mist remained… a worst mist. A mist that fogged men's minds: the mist of mist-understanding. Luckily this mist was just a metaphor and wouldn't really affect things that much.

Wheaton and Spiner have been doing some voicework along with DiMaggio on Generator Rex. I wonder if they ever run into each other.

I think the Korean sounds pretty cool, especially with Niki Yang's voicework. The voicework on Beemo is awesome, too.

More Buddhist aphorisms?

So we're the freaky, long-haired, cynical hippies?

I love the way Ram puts the heart back in and the dude immediately starts chasing after the clerks.

I liked that grumbling noise the demon made when he told Jake to disagree him and Jake answered, "Okay."

Hmmm…check, please!

*gives afacewithaview's comment a B+*

Spoiler Alert: Oliver Sava has fallen into a pit.

Hey, quick question, every time I try to use a hyperlink, my post gets moderated. Basically, how'd you do that?

But…But…stealing oil is a classic American tradition.

I think it's like the one ring, in that it's longevity effects tend to last for a while after wearing it, and it also turns you into a douche-bag.


Yeah, he is turning into a tool, but, at the end of the day, no harm, no foul. If anything, he created the adventure this week by being an idiot, so good on him.

Are you saying that the IRA was, at one point, holding people hostage and threatening to kill them. Then the UK special snipered them and were called murderers? And if they were called murderers, wasn't it because the killings were considered unjustifiable?
Or better yet, when the police encounter a mass shooter and

A paladin can create water.