GRRM Faery Tales

Or you could use the real definition, not wiktionary:

Pen Ward specifically says Finn's a paladin in training.

What's with the 2 avatars having the same name?

Noses are hard to draw!

With evil tendencies?

If Cinnamon Bun is half baked, shouldn't the fire kingdom take care of that?

Not so popular now, eh. j/k

Did you hear that Radiolab on colors. They've got a story about people who have an extra set of cones who are tetrachromatic. http://www.wnyc.org/radio/#… It starts around 23:30.

And I, for one, welcome our new Disqus overlords. I’d like to remind them
that as a trusted author and cable television producer, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground commenting caves.

I want to know why they would leave a giant emerald behind.

I thought things went south for her after she got liched out. This show reminds me of Buffy in the way that everyone is a bit morally challenged, which is a necessary trait in order to develop a theme of redemption. Jake used to be part of a criminal gang. Marcy has some serious morality issues. Don't get me started

She said she wasn't immortal in Goliad(I'm not going to live forever, I would if I could). She did figure out how to bring candy people back from the dead though, so that's a start.

I thought this was one of the better reviews. Not so much the exposition, but a lot of good analysis. Cheers.

Is it really bad Karma (when you are starving) to eat someone who is going to try to eat you? It's not murder when it's self defense.
Also this: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
one of my favorite songs on this show

Sandworm up!

But I specialize in fortelling the relationships where you get jerked around. Ahaha hahaa!
*throws smoke bomb, blinks*