GRRM Faery Tales

Simpsons did it.

Hey this is a kid's show. I'm sure you meant to say candy.

Who said Jake is 28?

You mean like a frowning vagina?

This isn't really adventuring, more like grinding. It's stuff like this that made me quit MMOs. I mean, without the challenge, where's the fun?

I'd prefer his Saturday morning equivalent, Jason Mimosa.

Whole Lotta Corpses Foods

Always there with a well thought out answer, thanks cappadocius. I guess Candy Kingdom just has a better ring to it than the Principality of Candy.

"I knew it. Princess, you are getting jacked."

Technically, shouldn't she be called Slime Queen. Same thing with Prubbs (Quubs?). Kind of weird they refer to FP as the new Flame King.

*laugh track*

Three crays for BMO's sound effect choices.
   *dolphin clicks*

Sorry, I can only give this episode one cray. Dodging a slime tank and punching a bowl of jello does not an adventure make.  I kind of miss the first season sword slamming into the title every time things are about to get all adventury.
  This whole shipping thing reminds me of Buffy and Angel. You get about 10

"Are you in danger? Are you in danger?"
"I knew it. Princess, you are getting jacked."

In "The Creeps", Jake says that Finn must have been so scared that he imagined it.
Which, in fact, he did, if we accept that ghost Shoko is just his memory of a repressed past life. The best is during the ride back at the end of the episode where Finn remembers the Shokoghost incident then says, "That one's going in

How about when PB makes an instant bath serum and Finn is like, "I don't bathe. I want that." That's some serious poo-butt, yo.

I think it's his fate to lose an arm in all of his incarnations, kind of like getting killed by Arthur Dent.

Nuts and Gum: Together at last!

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