
*thumbs up*

Things are going down.

It also dispelled my appetite.

B? I am surprised I thought this was another great episode. Garnet felt fusion, a concept she holds dearly was violated and desperately needed to talk it out. It goes to show how all arguments can drag children into a negative spiral in any relationship.

More importantly, she's fully devoted to symmetry.

Yellow Diamond is likely not the only big bad we are running into. There is likely 3 other diamonds.

Back in August but nothing much beyond that.

As a girl from a taco shell commercial once said, "Why not both?"

Who watched the Steven Universe Panel at SDCC?

Rest in Piece Eric. If Rebecca's prediction about this bomb being more emotional then the last one then we are all dead.

Did someone say SALT?

Not going to have to wait long. It is official!

Ladies take so long to get ready you wind up creating an imaginary copy just to speed things along, am I right fellas?

Noooooo, not punishment!

This episode got an A for adorable from me.

Part of this episode really reminded me of One Piece's famous I want to live scene.

Not going to lie. The ending with Steven confronting Connie nearly gave me a heart attack too.

Well deserved nap Eric and thank you so much for bringing this show back when it is really hitting its stride!

My review of the episode: OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

My Favorite Episodes (In no particular order):