
I love this show. The previous episode was excellent, perhaps the best of the season. I find all the characters interesting and appealing and there's such a natural chemistry between them. Watching this one once I get off work later. So glad it got a deserved back order.

The Fosters has been wonderful! Regardless of whether or not tonight's finale is up to par with the previous episodes, I hope for regular coverage come January!

This show has become so frustrating and non-rewarding to watch that I'm not sure how much longer I can stand it. It's just not very fun anymore. I love Donna and Louis has his moments, but all this other stuff is just not very interesting.

About as cute as the Scott/Isaac scene when they both fell asleep while watching over Scott's mom - in other words absolutely adorable. I wish there had been more of those moments in between all the (sometimes pointless) action.

After two strong episodes (both got A's from me), this was a frustrating watch. Possibly one of the most frustrating episodes I've seen of the show. They keep piling on with questions and more mystery and making stuff more complicated, while not giving us many answers to anything. This was a chaotic and hectic episode

I'm really warming up to the twins. Will be sad to see them go after the first twelve episodes if their HBO pilot gets picked up and everything. Ethan was written really well this episode and I loved his interaction with Scott at the very end. In the beginning of the episode I feared this would be all filler, but it

Oh how he'd have a field day with Ms Aryan - I mean Aaryn.

Will McAvoy would not stand for this. Let's devote 3 minutes of tonight's Tea Party special to address this atrocity that reality television most certainly is.

I liked parts of this episode. I can actually buy that characters in a small-town like this act subdued and confused rather than being shocked and panicking all over the place. The sense of reasonably calm unity when the fire happens is also something that I can buy. So what makes this episode a letdown for me is not

Yeah, I'm excited about Season 2! Apparently they're featuring the 2012 presidential election quite heavily, which should be fun. Hopefully Sorkin will have listened to at least some of the criticism and we'll get an even more focused and enjoyable season with less straight-out lecturing about the dire state of media

Yeah, I'm excited about Season 2! Apparently they're featuring the 2012 presidential election quite heavily, which should be fun. Hopefully Sorkin will have listened to at least some of the criticism and we'll get an even more focused and enjoyable season with less straight-out lecturing about the dire state of media

Same boat here.

Same boat here.

Watching this for the cast. 5.5/10 on RT seems decent enough. It's summer and all.
More excited about The Way, Way Back though. Good reviews, barring another uninspired C review from AVC. If only the movie reviews here were as good as some of the TV ones.

I definitely agree that this was one of T-Pose's better episodes in terms of acting. He also looked even prettier than usual, which is never a bad thing. Plus for (bloody) shirtlessness and pants so low that they left little to the imagination.

I love Awkward, but I think it had a slight quality drop as well as a ratings drop this season. Luckily some of it was redeemed in the final two or three episodes of the first half of the season (what has aired so far), so I have hopes it will pick back up. But it's always hard to keep a show likable when the

Well, there's the scene at about the 14 minute mark where Derek fell and in the very next scene they are by his side. That seems to imply they didn't just wait around, drinking pop, playing cards. Who knows if Derek walked out by himself. I suppose that will be addressed in the next episode, as this one ended with him

Not quite, no. Peter and Derek's sister (Derek's family, rather than some high school kids) rushed to aid Derek, but he was gone: "Carried out, or maybe if one of them managed to find enough strength to push himself up off the floor and walk out." Which one, if so? It goes without saying that Scott, Isaac and Boyd

Arguably my favorite episode this season! Ambitious, engaging and eerily spectacular. A-

Looks like it's fixed now! Who'd have thunk it.