
Are you all in on some elaborate prank here? I don't care if you like Ayn Rand, I'm not the stupid police, but don't try to pretend that her philosophy is something that most people wouldn't find reprehensible is just asinine.

I can't wait for all the boss Mad Hatter merchandise to start going on sale at Hot Topic!

I happened to see it tonight by chance, I didn't even know they made movies that bad. There should be some kind of camp where everyone who was involved in the production of The Ugly Truth should have to live out the rest of their lives with no access to any kind of video recording device and only time to think about

Elephant really sucks fyi. Haven't seen this movie yet but from the review it sounds like something actually happens so I'm not really seeing the point of reference.

You're all suckers. No deal will ever beat downloading things for free.

great, now I have to go see it again!

U2 sucks, the metro sucks, you all suck

morissey sucks, fyi you guys

you guys sure spend a lot of time wishing that celebrities were waitresses

yo just stopping in to say that this band is terrible and one time it was like 3 a.m. and I couldn't sleep and for some reason I turned on MTV 2 and saw one of their music videos and then the next morning I was hoping it was maybe only a particularly vivid nightmare but no and now every day the world increasingly

I'm pretty sure Tim Burton only makes movies to have more merchandise to sell at hot topic anyway