Mongo Of The Eternal High

I think both are masters.

The Switch was the novel that introduced Ordell and Louis.

Freaky Deaky was my gateway, too.

52 Pick Up was good, but it was missing the humor that usually goes along with a Leonard story.

Not many people know it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.

Oh man.

That is…

The Fifth Floor
That's one I remember from Avedis. This disco dancer gets dosed with a quaalude or something and winds up in the funny farm, where Bo Hopkins is a perverted orderly.

What's wrong with incest?

It made me feel like a malevolent Keebler Elf.

Ok. I'll try to be a nicer person.

I can't help it. I'm a product of bad parenting and a dysfunctional public school system.

I'm perfectly calm.

Ok…so you're muddled and I'm a dick.

The screenplay has some really nice twists, but I remember the technical side of it being rather poor. The sound was muddy in spots, and some of the cutaways in the editing process wouldn't have passed muster in a student film. The production values were on the level of a Skinemax movie, and Peter Berg is a

Yes. This is a bad article.

Agreed. Body Heat was a much better film than The Last Seduction.

Oh wow! A fellow stoner blight on society.


Praise from Caesar.