
I used to work with a guy from Central America named "O'Quelly".

I'm having some difficulty believing that 90% of the male population of Paraguay died. In any case, the dating market for whoever was left must have been awesome.

I don't think Burn Gorman is a villain, really.

1. History is not a spoiler.
2. History really isn't a spoiler on this show, which has been taking huge liberties. Largely fictionalized, actually.

Indeed. In an alternate universe where Watergate doesn't get that bad and Nixon serves out his term, Reagan thrashes VP Ford in 1976.

Selina isn't going to make a staffer like Ben the VP. The VP will be another politician. And it won't be one of her competitors, because how could you possibly serve as VP under someone you're running against for the nomination.

I don't get this. A one-week difference in airing the final episode is relevant to the DVDs that will be released for Christmas?

Also: he picked Selina Meyer to be his VP.

This sounded pretty interesting until the reveal that the first two-thirds of the book are two fictional stories by Waters. Pass.

What a great idea! A double feature of generally ignored period pieces!

The viewers probably feel bad for Selah. What a kick to the nuts.

Oh yes, that was terrible. No wonder he's directing TV now.

Well, no, New York is actually a part of the United States, with Senators and Congressmen that get to vote and everything. Canada was a colony, which is quite different.

My prediction was that Selina would win the nomination and the show would end next season with her getting destroyed in the general election, and I'm sticking with that. It's pretty much impossible for a sitting President to not win nomination by their party. Gerald Ford entered the White House in a situation

By God, we need to make this happen. A Skinemax Revolutionary War drama with espionage, great big battle sequences, and sexy women getting naked every 15 minutes. This is genius.

Mary has quite the weapon in this love triangle. "Stop stepping out on me, or I have you executed for espionage."

Seriously! He almost literally comes back from the dead, invades his hometown, and takes his ridiculously hot wife away, only for her to swim back to her boyfriend. That has to suck.

Just noticed the name in the credits. Yup, it was him.

Well, we got our asses kicked for the bulk of the War of 1812.

Tell me that wouldn't be great TV.