Upside-Down Cookie Monster

Rule four, no cheating!

Me read "Sherlock" as "Shrek"… You know, because both have purple dragon.

You my witness, me your mutineer.

It very weird that there never been a literal interpretation of Beowulf. Me may be talking out of upside-down-cookie-ass, but have there ever been movie version that wasn't reimagining or recontextualization or crazy Sci-Fi Mad Max story?

"If you fancy the Jonas Brothers, cover your belly."

Me remember Stanley Kubrick deployed similar creepy robots when attempting to prepare A.I. as he feel that no child actor could deliver sufficient performance. Me also remember that Jodorowsky was going to replace Salvador Dali with creepy robot rather than pay him $100,000 an hour to play emperor in his Dune movie.

Me am Rocket Man, here to end borrowed time you all been living on.

Me agree that music (Shosta-Zombie-Vich) education (uni-zombie-versity) science (zombotany) and the classics (Zombieball Run II) far more important than any zombie show, if not cookies.

Downvote fake upside-down cookie monsters!

Me always loved this episode as young upside-down cookie monster, mainly due to loving original movie (mostly because of cat character, who most closely resemble cookie of all characters in film, perhaps all Disney films). Pet Store Clerk's pained delivery of "Aaaaaooooaaaaaaa I'm bored!" when attempting canine-human

Me always distinctly remember Redrum for whatever reason. Me think me must have seen it before the rest of the series proper. If nothing else me do like Doggett and Wells' interactions, and the basic premise neat. Me kind of feel that season eight as whole was most consistent though not reaching highs of best seasons.

Rain Wilson resemble Dexter's final shot in above picture. When he lumberjack.
And it stupid. And lack cookies.

Me like Spell for Chameleon well-enough as young Cookie Monster but never cared enough to pick up other Xanth (though me did devour Cluster novels with same gusto me devour cookies). As kid, however, me great fantasy series (or mistress, as Piers Anthony might say) was Redwall, and nothing beat it, not even warm plate

Me very disappointed with general consensus that movie adhere very closely to original. Me think King novel have enough original content that wholly unique film could be derived from it, especially since original has not aged spectacularly (me sorry, John Travolta, me know we best friends but no amount of cookies

This make me very sad! Almost as sad as deposition of Upside-Down Cookie Monster's dear friend Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Cookie Monster and Zine stole many cookies from locals, and bootleg Phantom Menace merchandise too.