Negative Crepe

"Last Time Around" by the Del Vettes kicks a goodly amount of ass. I also admire "I'm Gonna Make You Mine" by The Shadows of the Night because of the sheer insanity of releasing a single that explicitly declares the band's intention to rape you.

"What you're doing for Mrs. Glick is very nice. She doesn't have anybody."

No Headly Grange? What gives.

Enter the classic era
I think this particular drinking jag must have been the one that finally shook lose any good sense Homer displayed in the first two seasons, as you'll notice that after this episode his personality settles into the familiar mix of misguided exuberance and dimwitted hedonism that we've all come to

Nothin funny about the military, boys . . .

No opinion to offer on the two bands, but I do enjoy Drewogatory's vision of eternity as a penitentiary where one either dominates or is dominated via anal rape. Like, for everybody. No heaven, no hell, just the showers of San Quentin forever and ever.

Jeezus, the stuff about Stayley's decline really had a "you are there" kind of effect on me. Imagine being holed up in a dingy little room with no lights on, so fucking out of it that you don't realize until it's far too late to do anything about it that your another of your fingers has become a black, shriveled

Not to get all objective, but
Aren't names like Death Cab for Cutie, or And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead, or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs pretty awful band names? Is it possible that what really makes a band name acceptable is success?

This strikes me as pretty much spot on. I might try to defend the first third of RoTJ, but nah.


Aieeee dios mio!
El Chupacabra sta aqui!

I haven't seen it, but it all sounds terribly misguided. The commentary would be much better if they recorded it 10 or 20 years from now and laid on a thick helping of "what the fuck were we thinking" all over the proceedings.

There's always a canal. Or an inlet. Or a fjord.

Actually that was SS Bob from the one where he goes straight, but Bart doesn't buy it so he follows him around giving him a hard time. Apparently Bob hadn't heard that Edna was a dirty, dirty whore.

"That was EDNA Krabapple. You only get ONE chance with EDNA Krabapple . . ."

The best episode
up to this point in the series.

[low whistle, shakes head] I really am sorry Mr. Fan but I'm afraid that in failing to recognize that Sideshow Bob quote you've been outed as some jagoff who only showed up here because he was googling "Palin", "grizzly", and "cock blocking skills". I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Sydney Pollack will be by

"His role has been played for years. Ever since the beginning of rock and roll, there's been an Axl Rose. . . . Why it's such a fresh and new thing in his eyes is obviously because it's happening to him personally . . . "—Kurt Cobain on Axl Rose, as quoted by Michael Azerrad in Come As You Are: The Story Of

"Don't tell me how to eat donu—-[horrible choking noise]"

Sir, I'm afraid all of those players have retired and, uh… passed on. In fact, your right-fielder has been dead for a hundred and thirty years.