
What about a Duplo movie?

I (am) I?

I am overcome with ennui.

I made my kid cry by playing "Qz" on a triple word score and then sending him to his room when he insisted it isn't a word.

The wife and I were at a Baltimore Symphony performance of some Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor this past weekend and the girl in the row in front of me OD'd.

I roomed with the Earl of Carnarvon my freshman year at Chico State.

I bet there will be 3 boobs total.

His secret is that he dunks the bangers and mash in water before he eats them so he can fit more in.

Not even in a urinal?

Laugh all you want but the Monster burger got me the silver medal at this year's World's Biggest Shit contest.

I'm surprised they were able to get both Wildcat!s on the bill considering the animosity between the two bands.

He was known as a real dicksmith with the ladies.

Hey Chris Caroll, stop snitchin'!

C. I can only conclude that the writers are out of ideas since it appears that we're going to have to go through last season's story line all over again.