Showkiller Nathan Fillion

The genius of R2D2 and C3PO is how R2 is hilarious because of C3PO's responses to him.  A great example is when they're escaping Cloud City and 3PO is complaining while getting dragged through the Falcon in a bag, and R2 beeps something at him and 3PO irritably replies, "Well of course I've looked better!"

He stands; stoop-shouldered

fuckin a!

You're talking about this like Tyler Perry has some sort of choice in the matter, like he could choose to produce good art and make 85k or he could produce shit art and make millions.  That's a generous assumption.  More likely, he could either produce shit art and make millions or produce shitty "good" art and make

When the alternative is making millions, 85k absolutely IS chump change.

Admiral Ackbar was the original African American Admiral.

and knitting blankets

that shit is so gay…fucking 80's style

Onion festival ftmfw

Who plays Trashcan Man in this shitty movie?

"I am now cutting off Phyllis' head with a chainsaw!  Rih-nah-nah-nah-nah"


"Hey, Patton Oswalt!  How about that Leah Remini?  Can you get us a date?"

Ahem; she gets drunk and walks out.

I heard she caught Nazi

just say no homo

insert tasteful Jesse James joke here

Yeah, the gay-ass Town military maybe!  You gotta call in Blacktron to deal with small dogs.

This firstie is too subtle for my tastes