Oh, man, and when he's rapping the opening lines, and the show cuts to hookers and people with 40s standing on the street? Jesus.
Oh, man, and when he's rapping the opening lines, and the show cuts to hookers and people with 40s standing on the street? Jesus.
Oh, man, and when he's rapping the opening lines, and the show cuts to hookers and people with 40s standing on the street? Jesus.
The worst thing about Bawitdaba is trying to get someone into The Shield, while having to warn them that the climax of the pilot, and one of the most important scenes of the series, is synced up to that song.
The worst thing about Bawitdaba is trying to get someone into The Shield, while having to warn them that the climax of the pilot, and one of the most important scenes of the series, is synced up to that song.
@eric827:disqus I don't know what kind of recording equipment they used, but I think the main issue is that old TJDS videos aren't stored with the same level of care as, say, the Warner Bros. collection.
@eric827:disqus I don't know what kind of recording equipment they used, but I think the main issue is that old TJDS videos aren't stored with the same level of care as, say, the Warner Bros. collection.
You joke, but very few donkey shows from 70's TJ, the Golden Age of donkey shows, were even filmed, and few of those remain today. The ones that have made their way online are of poor quality, and most of the most famous, largely scatological performances exist only in firsthand accounts from people who witnessed them.
You joke, but very few donkey shows from 70's TJ, the Golden Age of donkey shows, were even filmed, and few of those remain today. The ones that have made their way online are of poor quality, and most of the most famous, largely scatological performances exist only in firsthand accounts from people who witnessed them.
According to my guide, it's "return this station." But that loses the irony and doesn't make any sense.
According to my guide, it's "return this station." But that loses the irony and doesn't make any sense.
I'm not angry, just disappointed.
I'm not angry, just disappointed.
I would never, ever wish that on Amy.
I would never, ever wish that on Amy.
The one in Ocean Beach is a really good location.
The one in Ocean Beach is a really good location.
SD is pretty mild. It's only blisteringly hot if you're wearing a retarded costume.
SD is pretty mild. It's only blisteringly hot if you're wearing a retarded costume.