Yeah, so much for my Citizen Homeslice script.
Yeah, so much for my Citizen Homeslice script.
Yeah, so much for my Citizen Homeslice script.
I wish the twist was that it's actually Django Unchained, and most people don't realize it until the last 5 minutes.
I wish the twist was that it's actually Django Unchained, and most people don't realize it until the last 5 minutes.
"Your film may not be a spoof of TV or film." <— The best rule of all. I will watch all of these.
"Your film may not be a spoof of TV or film." <— The best rule of all. I will watch all of these.
That sounded like the Moldy Peaches in my head. I didn't care for it.
That sounded like the Moldy Peaches in my head. I didn't care for it.
@20V:disqus I spent way too long deciding that one. Kept switching Community and 30 Rock and finally left it this way. I kind of agree with you.
@20V:disqus I spent way too long deciding that one. Kept switching Community and 30 Rock and finally left it this way. I kind of agree with you.
Community > First 3 seasons of 30 Rock > Derrick Comedy > Glover's stand-up > Mystery Team > Gambino.
Community > First 3 seasons of 30 Rock > Derrick Comedy > Glover's stand-up > Mystery Team > Gambino.
I like him as a comedian, and his raps are funny, but honestly his songs are a bunch of hilarious one-liners in a row.
I like him as a comedian, and his raps are funny, but honestly his songs are a bunch of hilarious one-liners in a row.
Hahaha. I always figured Whedon must have written and maybe even performed that song. Like, "This is probably what a cowboy song sounds like." He clearly knows better now, but I feel like the majority of Whedon fans don't.
Hahaha. I always figured Whedon must have written and maybe even performed that song. Like, "This is probably what a cowboy song sounds like." He clearly knows better now, but I feel like the majority of Whedon fans don't.
I haven't watched the finale yet. Should I read this?
I haven't watched the finale yet. Should I read this?
I like the image of the TCA cleaning out its collective Toyota Camry and finding an award for Cranston in there.
I like the image of the TCA cleaning out its collective Toyota Camry and finding an award for Cranston in there.