HBO Italian Janitor of Cock

Is a good episode. The flash-a-forward, my mouth, it water. So tantalizing, is a tease. I want to grab-a this show and shake her and say, "Hey, tell-a me you secrets. I wanna know!" But I won't do this. Two reason: I no want to, it ruin the show and I can no grab-a the TV. I try to invent TV gloves. I take-a my wife's

Is a good episode. The flash-a-forward, my mouth, it water. So tantalizing, is a tease. I want to grab-a this show and shake her and say, "Hey, tell-a me you secrets. I wanna know!" But I won't do this. Two reason: I no want to, it ruin the show and I can no grab-a the TV. I try to invent TV gloves. I take-a my wife's

Dear Mister-a CEO of Titty,

Dear Mister-a CEO of Titty,

They-a changed it at Ellis Island. I'm-a proud of my American name.

I-a have-a Chinese keyboard and a molto sensitive text-a-to-a-speech program-a. It-a pick up my accent, it is like-a Guiseppe is-a in-a da room with you. It don't really explain-a the discrepancies in-a my accent some-a time, but I don't-a think anybody notice. I get-a dis-a Chinese keyboard so-a my daughter doesn't

Guiseppe is not a professional writer. I take-a a few creative writing courses at-a the learning annex. I write-a real good story about the post-apocalyptics. This man, he is in wasteland, world has changed. He finds music box and there is-a beauty in-a da world. This man, he cry because all-a he knows is ugliness and

He was-a indeed on-a vacation. He-a go to dis hotel that was-a shaped like a big pair-a tette. He send-a me a post-a-card of the hotel that was-a taken from a some hellocopter. My wife, she see it and-a she-a get SO MAD she-a hit a me in-a the face with a rolling pin!

He's a Illyn-a Payne, he chopped-a off Ned's head. We no see his-a penis.

Is-a, how you say, Doctor Peppers. Is a good drink to have while sitting in a chair or even standing.

I-a just-a want-a you to know that-a Guiseppe, that's-a me, is-a trying to get a little bit of de, how you say, johnson in-a de show for-a you kids. I suggest it when I-a am cleaning out rat traps or-a de roach albergo. I-a can-a make-a no promises, but we see. We see. 

Eh, all-a da time I say to dis guy while I-a am-a emptying a-da trash can or I sweepa da floor. I say, "Hey, Mister CEO of Titty, with-a you nice suit and a you expensive tie, why not put a little bit a the penis in a you show? You have so-a many of titty, why no some ding-a-ling for a da balance?"